I think most of us have seen bad Engrish, right? This menu was sent over by a dear friend, was probably one of the single worst best examples of a total machine translation FAIL and an absolute Engrish GOLDMINE.
I'll have you know that "F*ck to fry the cow river" happens to be one of my favorite Canto dishes! |
So what did the cold cow pick? |
I'll have one The row of Spain, please. |
Tell me about The carbon burns... is it hot? |
The red double is pleased, and so will you. |
Did they make you laugh? It's hilarious when you have absolutely no idea what is going on. It's even funnier if you know a bit of Chinese (especially Cantonese, in this case), English, AND have an understanding of how Google Translate works — or in this case, doesn't work.
I hope, however, that it doesn't put anyone off actually eating at this restaurant. If I screen out the translation, this actually looks like a pretty tasty menu. Any questions of what these items actually are meant to be translated as? Let me know and I'm happy to explain.
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